Gyankunj 3.0 online Course on Diksha Portal

Gyankunj 3.0 online Course on Diksha Portal

Gyankunj is a school digitalization programme to enhance classroom interactivity and teaching-learning process with the help of technology tools, like Projector, Interactive Infrared Camera, Laptop, Speaker, Whiteboard, Wi-Fi Router Extender etc. It aims to reinforce teaching-learning and evaluation process. It includes,

Gyankunj 3.0 online Course on Diksha Portal
  • Interactive e-Class with smart board developed through technology at school level

  • Facilities of projector, infrared camera, laptop, speaker, smart board, Wi-Fi router in 3173 classrooms of Std.7 and Std.8 at 1609 Government Primary Schools across the State

  • Provided 10,000 tablets to students of std.7 and std.8 at 100 schools for learning without burden

  • Teaching-learning through e-Content and resources available through internet for Std.5 to 8

  • Ease of curriculum understanding through technology

The initiative of "Gyankunj" project has been launched by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat on 5thSeptember, 2017 - Teacher’s Day to accelerate the efforts of Government of Gujarat in the area of digital education inspired from the vision of Digital India.

There was a growing need to bridge the digital divide and raise awareness among the future generation with changing technologies.  ICT integration would require changes to various aspects of the delivery mechanism.  SSA, Gujarat Transformed the concept of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) into the concept of interactivity in the Gyankunj classroom to achieve more interactivity in the teaching-learning process of classrooms and to reinforce teaching, learning and assessment through school digitization.

  • Improve interactivity in the classroom by advancing the teaching-learning process for teachers and students.

  • Reinforce the teaching, learning and evaluation process with the use of technology

  • Facilitate the understanding of each unit of the curriculum in the classroom through the use of technology as a medium.
The project is implemented in 1,609 primary schools in the State, providing an interactive e-class developed with smart whiteboards using technology in 3,173 classrooms from V to VIII.

The 3,173 classrooms are distributed in the 33 districts and 242 talukas (blocks) throughout the state.  A total of 2.85 lakh students from Class V to VIII are taking advantage of this initiative.

With this scheme, the state government ensures to scale operations and increase the digital inclusion of the population.  In addition, in phase 2, the project is implemented in 12,000 classrooms of Std.7 and Std.8 across the state with facilities such as short-throw projector, interactive whiteboard, laptop, speakers, learning management system (LMS). usage tracking software.

With this scheme, students improve their IT skills and have the opportunity to learn through digital content.  Our goal is to further improve access to primary education and achieve 100% enrollment by taking this initiative to the next level.

The "Gyankunj" project initiative was launched by the Government of Gujarat on 5th September 2017 - Teacher's Day to accelerate the efforts of the Government of Gujarat in the area of ​​digital education inspired by the vision of Digital India.

The implementation of the project was based purely on the principle of supply and demand.  The project has been implemented in schools where teachers are interested and willing to use technology for academic transactions.  For this purpose, teachers applied under the Google Form published by GCEE-SSA;  to get Gyankunj class in their schools.

Initially, the Gyankunj Project is implemented in 1,609 government primary schools, with interactive e-classrooms powered by smart boards using technology in 3,173 classrooms from Class V to VIII.  The 3,173 classrooms are distributed in the 33 districts and 242 talukas (blocks) throughout the state.

A total of 2.85 lakh students from Class V to VIII are taking advantage of this initiative.  With this scheme, the state government ensures to scale operations and increase the digital inclusion of the population.  Also, in phase 2, the project is being implemented in 12000 classrooms of Std.7 and Std.8 across the state with facilities like short throw projector, interactive whiteboard, laptop, speakers, learning management system ( LMS), usage tracking software.

A help desk was installed throughout the project to help teachers resolve hardware and software issues. As the teacher has a key role and responsibility in the project, the project monitoring methodology is fully digital in the form of mobile app and web app to provide a useful tool for the teacher to share input, feedback and monitor the status of the project across all the levels.

The Gyankunj project implementation model has been specifically developed to provide a holistic IT infrastructure to support the teaching-learning process and as per the requirements of the school and adhere to the State's ICT vision.  The implementation methodology adopted by the state government is presented below:

The implementation of the project begins with the Baseline survey that maps the current academic performance of the students, the preparation of the infrastructure to configure the classroom, the exposure of teachers and students to computers.

This is followed by site preparation, which includes basic infrastructure such as electrical wiring and networks, etc.  Once these prerequisites are met, the installation of the modular accessories such as IR camera for interactivity, projector, laptop, whiteboard, speaker, etc. is carried out.

Teacher training is of paramount importance in the ICT@Schools initiative and IT training is provided with three different training modules for teachers from all schools.

The government also deploys a trained TSP (Technical Service Provider) in each school for a duration of 3 months for the initial management of the project.

For this, online portals are created and recruitment campaigns are conducted with written exams followed by personal interviews to ensure that good talent with the required skills is hired.

Required project hardware and software, such as media, are then provisioned and installed.

The final step in this process is an approval via custom FAT, meaning final approval testing by an internal government official ensures that all project standards and requirements are met.  Teachers are also trained in handling the various installed hardware and software to ensure optimal utilization.

The Gyankunj model uses a whiteboard, computer, projector, IR camera, and interactive software for classroom interactivity, components connecting wirelessly or via USB or serial cables.

A projector connected to the computer displays the desktop image on the whiteboard, and the IR camera uses high-speed image sensors that can intelligently track and learn the environment and enable continuous information monitoring with any screen with real-time interaction. and write speed without any lag.  and superior interactive performance.  The IR camera accepts touch input from an infrared-enabled pen.

It also helps schools, teachers, and students to become globally competent with the help of educational technology.

The electronic content consists of various images, videos, animations, virtual laboratories, demonstration and visualization of activities, self-study, evaluation and reference material.

In addition to this, it also emphasizes reading, writing, and comprehension of knowledge as per the traditional tactics of pedagogy.  The e-Content covers more than 450 units of 52 textbooks, more than 3,000 animated videos, 3,000 interactive animations, more than 1,000 games on various topics, a virtual laboratory for scientific experiments, and a question bank of more than 50,000 questions.

In addition, this electronic content is broadcast in the form of video on the digital satellite educational channel "Vande Gujarat", launched with the support of BISAG, through Direct To Home (DTH) media under the State Distance Learning Programme, and -Class.  The episodes are also available on the YouTube channel under "Gujarat e-Class" for download, the URL of the same is:

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