Good news for SBI Account Holders

Good news for SBI Account Holders

Good news for SBI Account holders, Bank made many big changes!
Good news for SBI Account Holders

State Bank of India made a lot of big changes!  : State Bank of India has now decided to completely eliminate the fees charged to their account holders, now customers will not be charged for many bank services.

Full SMS alerts and minimum balance charges

State Bank of India made a lot of big changes! State Bank of India recently told its clients through its official Twitter account that it will no longer charge SMS alerts or minimum balance charges to account holders.  

This means that there are no maintenance fees for the SBI savings account and together with the bank they have said that to get rid of unnecessary applications today all account holders download YONOSBI so they can get all their account information.

According to the official SBI tweet, from now on customers will not have to pay the fee for not keeping an SMS alert and minimum balance.  

The bank has now completely abolished the charge for backup service messages on the mobile phone number registered in the customer's account.  Now the customer will not have to pay any money for this.

Fee imposed for not having a minimum savings account balance -

At the State Bank of India, first account holders were required to always maintain a minimum balance of Rs 3 lakhs.  

Previously, customers who could not keep Rs 3,000 in the account were charged maintenance fees and if they were reduced to less than 50 percent (Rs 1,500) then they had to pay Rs 10 and GST as a fee.  

If your account balance falls below 75%, then you had to pay 15 rupees and GST as a fee, but now you will not have to pay any additional charges.

How much did SBI SMS Alert transaction alert charge used to be seen before?

By giving details of the transactions of each small and large account by the bank, it means that the account holders can know what is happening in their account, the bank informs this information to the customer via SMS.  

For this, the State Bank used to deduct the quarterly charge of Rs 12 plus GST from each customer, now after the new rules, this service will be provided to customers at no cost, they will not have to drink any kind of extra charge.

ऑनलाइन लेनदेन अब आम बात हो गई है।  छोटे पत्ते वाले मसाले में ई-पेमेंट सिस्टम भी सबसे आगे आ गया है।  फिर ठगी के चांस भी काफी बढ़ गए हैं लोग तरह-तरह के हथकंडे अपनाकर ठगी कर रहे हैं
 चाहे एटीएम कार्ड का उपयोग कर रहे हों या डेबिट कार्ड, क्रेडिट
 एटीएम कार्ड या डेबिट कार्ड, क्रेडिट कार्ड का उपयोग करते समय सावधान रहें।  ताकि धोखे का शिकार न हो।
 प्राचीन वस्तुओं के लिए अपॉइंटमेंट कैसे देखें या प्राप्त करने के बारे में यहां कुछ सुझाव दिए गए हैं।
