NPS Antargat NSDL mathi Rakam Parat Melavavani Paddhati

NPS Antargat NSDL mathi Rakam Parat Melavavani Paddhati

Avasan na kissa ma Naveen Vardhit Pension Yojana antargat NSDL Mathi rakam Parat Melavavani Karya Paddhati

NPS Antargat NSDL mathi Rakam Parat Melavavani Paddhati

Rakam Parat melava Mate niche mujab ni Karya Pragati mujab darkhaast taiyar Kari Be nakal ma aapvani raheshe.

Procedure to be followed in case of death In order to recover the amount from NSDL under the new enhanced pension scheme.

The following proposal has to be prepared and sent in two copies.  

1. Form 103 GD Ver 1.1: 

a.  Fill in the details of Section-A with the nominee / heir in the form (Page No. I) 

b.  Put a photo of the heir in the form (Page No. I) and sign it by the heir below it.  

c.  Fill in the details of Section - B and C in the form (Page No. 2) with the nominee's heir.  

D. According to the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA "Exit Regulations 2015" in case of death, if the amount deposited in the PRAN of the deceased employee is more than Rs.  (Page No. 2) in section - D The heir has to fill in the full details of the annuity only after it is signed below.

E.  Write the details of the father specially and send a copy of his PAN card as well as the bank details, to send the certificate of his death if the parents of the employee are not present.

F. sign the witness in the first box in the form (page no. 3) and complete the details of the witness.  

G. then sign by the heir in the middle box in the form (page no. 3)

H. as well as the photo of the heir in the last box in the form (page no. 3) signed by the heir 

I. if the heir  Only if signed or thumbs up in Gujarati (mother tongue) in the form (page no.  3) Fill in the following details.  In which to get the signature of the witness in English as well as to write the details of the witness.  Then the heir should sign in the box 

J. In the form (Page No. 4) in section - F to sign the head of the office and send the original.  

K.  Only if the amount deposited at NSDL is ₹ 2 lakh or less. In the same form (Page No. 4) the heir has to fill in the required details in the Request cum under taking form and then the coin signed by the head of the office.

For more details please visit our website: www.dppf

2. Fill in the attached KYC Certificate with two copies signed by the head of the office and send the original. 

3. No Objection Certificate is attached with Form O which fills the details  Originally sending coins signed by the head of the office.  

4. Give an certificate of death.  (Issued by the Registrar of Birth and Death).  

5. If the certificate of death is in Gujarati, fill in the details of the death in the English format attached herewith and send it in the original signed by the head of the office. 

6. Include self attested copy of nominee / heir's bank account passbook or cancel check.  (Including person's name, bank account number and IFSC code) Identity of the heir and residence

7. For proof of identity and residence of the nominee / heir, any two of the following certified copies, one of which must be photocopied.  

a. Aadhaar card 

b. Voter ID card 

c.  Driving license, 

d. passport 

e.  Ration Card 

f. PAN Card (Mandatory) 

g. Photo Credit Card 

h. X Serviceman Card 

I. Certificate of Identity issued by the office 
j.Certificate of Identity with photo issued by MP / MLA

k. Copy of the allotment job card under NREGA

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કુટુંબ પેન્શન યોજના પ્રશ્ન અને જવાબ વીડિયો અહીથી જુઓ અને સમજો

8. in case the inheritance is not recorded in the PRAN record of NSDL or there is any change in the inheritance, in case of inheritance certificate issued by the Mamlatdar / Executive Magistrate.  

9. in case there is more than one nominee / heir adult (above 18 years of age) in the NSDL PRAN record or in the above inheritance certificate 

a. Relinquishment Deed as per the sample attached herewith “Rs.  To send affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 / -.  (To be done by another adult heir) 

b.  Indemnity bond According to the sample attached with this, "Rs.  To send affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 / -.  (To be done by the claiming heir) 

10. In case the nominee / heir is a minor (under 18 years of age) in the PRS record of NSDL or in the above inheritance certificate, his birth certificate (issued by the Registrar of Birth and Death) (in English) or  Include School Leaving Certificate (with date of birth).  

For more details please visit our website:

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