How to register and get Certificate in myNEP - Useful for Teachers

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All about myNEP

National Education Policy

The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), which was approved by the Cabinet of the Union of India on July 29, 2020, outlines the vision of India's new education system. The new policy replaces the previous National Education Policy, 1986. The policy is a comprehensive framework for primary education to higher education as well as vocational training in rural and urban areas of India. The policy aims to transform India's education system by 2030.

How to register and get Certificate in myNEP - Useful for Teachers
How to register and get Certificate in myNEP 

Shortly after the policy was published, the government clarified that no one will be forced to study any particular language and that the medium of instruction will not be switched from English to any regional language. The language policy at NEP is a comprehensive guide and advisory in nature; and it is up to the states, institutions and schools to decide on the implementation. Education in India is a concurrent subject on the List.

The policy increases the importance of the mother tongue and regional languages; The medium of instruction through class 5 and preferably beyond should be in these languages. Sanskrit and foreign languages ​​will also be emphasized. The policy also states that no language will be imposed on students.

Shortly after the policy was published, the government clarified that the language policy in NEP is a broad guideline; and that it was up to the states, institutions and schools to decide the implementation. A more detailed language strategy would be published in the National Curriculum Framework in 2021. It was also noted that there were already institutions that had implemented this language policy 60 years ago, such as Sardar Patel Vidyalaya. Both the 1986 Education Policy and the 2009 Right to Education Act also promoted the use of the mother tongue as a counseling guide.

School Education

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The "10 + 2" structure will be replaced by the "5 + 3 + 3 + 4" model. This will be implemented as follows:

Foundational stage: it is subdivided into two parts: 3 years of preschool or anganwadi, followed by classes 1 and 2 in primary school. This will cover children ages 3 to 8. The focus of the studies will be on activity-based learning.

Preparatory stage: Classes 3 to 5, which will cover the ages of 8-11 years. It will gradually introduce subjects such as speaking, reading, writing, physical education, languages, art, science and mathematics.

Intermediate stage: Classes 6 to 8, which include children between 11 and 14 years old. It will introduce students to the most abstract concepts in math, science, social studies, arts, and humanities.

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Secondary stage: Classes 9 to 12, covering the ages of 14 to 19 years. Again it is subdivided into two parts: classes 9 and 10 cover the first phase, while classes 11 and 12 cover the second phase. These 4 years of study are intended to instill multidisciplinary study, along with deep and critical thinking. Multiple theme options will be provided.

Instead of exams being taken every academic year, students at the school will only take three exams, in classes 3, 5 and 8.

Board exams will continue to be conducted for classes 10 and 12, but will be redesigned. Standards for this will be set by an evaluation body, PARAKH. To facilitate these, these exams would be held twice a year, and students would be offered up to two attempts. The exam itself would have two parts, namely the objective and the descriptive.

This policy aims to reduce the curricular load of students and allow them to be more "interdisciplinary" and "multilingual". An example given was "If a student wants to study fashion with physics, or wants to learn baking with chemistry, she will be allowed to do so." Report cards will be "holistic", offering information about the student's abilities.

Class 6 coding will be introduced and experiential learning will be adopted

The Noon Meal Program will be expanded to include breakfast. More attention will be paid to student health, particularly mental health, through the deployment of counselors and social workers.

Higher education

It proposes a 4-year multidisciplinary bachelor's degree in an undergraduate program with multiple exit options. These will include professional and vocational areas and will be implemented as follows:

A certificate after completing 1 year of study.

A diploma after completing 2 years of study.

A bachelor's degree after completing a 3-year program

A 4-year multidisciplinary bachelor's degree (the preferred option)

MPhil (Master of Philosophy) courses will be discontinued to align undergraduate education with Western models.

A Higher Education Council of India (HECI) will be established to regulate higher education. The council's goal will be to increase the gross enrollment rate. The HECI will have 4 verticals:

National Regulatory Council for Higher Education (NHERC), to regulate higher education, including teacher training, excluding medical and legal education.

National Accreditation Council (NAC), a "meta-accreditation body".

Higher Education Scholarship Council (HEGC), for financing and financing of universities and colleges. This will replace the current National Council for Teacher Education, All India Council for Technical Education and College Scholarship Commission.

General Education Council (GEC), to frame the "attributes of graduates", that is, the expected learning outcomes. She will also be responsible for framing a National Higher Education Qualification Framework (NHEQF). The National Council for Teacher Training will be under the GEC, as a body for establishing professional standards.

Other PSSBs will include professional councils such as the Veterinary Council of India, the Council of Architecture, the Indian Council for Agricultural Research and the National Council for Vocational Education and Training.

The National Testing Agency will now have the additional responsibility of conducting entrance exams for college admissions across the country, in addition to JEE Main and NEET.

The policy proposes that institutes of higher education such as IITs make changes regarding the diversity of learning.

The policy proposes to internationalize education in India. Foreign universities can now establish campuses in India.

The fees of public and private universities will be fixed.

Teacher training

NEP 2020 features many policy changes when it comes to teachers and teacher education. To become a teacher, a 4-year Bachelor of Education will be the minimum requirement necessary by 2030. The teacher hiring process will also be strengthened and made transparent. The National Council for Teacher Training will develop a National Curricular Framework for Teacher Training by 2021 and National Professional Standards for Teachers by 2022. The policy aims to:

Ensure that all students at all levels of school education are taught by passionate, motivated, highly qualified, professionally trained, and well-equipped teachers.

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