Remedial teaching is identifying slow learners and providing them with the necessary help and guidance to help them overcome their problems, after identifying their areas of difficulty. 

A remedial teaching class is one that is meant to improve a learning skill or rectify a particular problem area in a student.

Remedial instruction involves using individualized teaching of students who are experiencing difficulties in specific subject areas. It may be taught individually or in groups.

Though computers have become a common device used by every individual and it helps in spelling, it is important to teach spelling to students in schools. Students who have trouble in spelling may need remedial teaching in English. 

There are many reasons why children may have difficulty in spelling such as memory problems resulting in letter reversals, lack of understanding letter-sound relationships, not reading or writing enough or trouble remembering sight words. If proper guidance and help is given to such children, they can overcome their difficulty with time and practice.

An institute that is solely dedicated to help such children is Sunderji Remedial Centre for children with special needs. It is one of the best institutes for remedial teaching in English Pune. The different methods and strategies used by the special educators at this institute for remedial teaching in English are correcting reversals, making individualized spelling lists, auditory and visual activities, proofreading, etc.

The remedial programme is designed keeping in mind every student’s strengths and weaknesses and includes vocabulary building, spelling rules and language development programme for writing and reading. With such an intensive programme, each child is sure to benefit in multiple ways and overcome his/her difficulties and gain self-confidence.